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School Council

School Council

School Council

School Council is an advisory body of volunteers who work together to provide ideas and opinions to help the principal – and sometimes the school board – make the school a better place for learning. The School Council should help its school identify and respond to the educational needs of the school community. An effective school council has two very important functions: to establish and maintain good communication among the school, parents/guardians, and community, and to encourage parents/guardians and community members to participate in education.

Click here for information about getting involved with a School Council.

Get Involved

Access the School Council Nomination Form

Council Members

School Council Members
Deanna Hardy, Chair
Keshia Bohannon
Kelly Chaytor
Stephanie Hillyard
Nick Lane
Jordan Miller
Cassie Noble
Sarah Wheale

School Staff
Robyn Best, Principal
Bruce Lindsay, SERT
Apryl Wright, Educational Assistant

Terms of Reference

School Council members are nominated in September and elected for executive positions and membership the first meeting of September. The School Constitution is reviewed and revised annually. See the attached constitution for more in depth information.